
Get contact information for your area in seconds and start circle prospecting today!


Get contact information for your area in seconds and start circle prospecting today!

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How Prospecting GeoLeads Works

Target Any Neighborhood

Homeowners are more likely to list when other homes in the neighborhood are selling. Choose an area in your MLS to prospect, use a just-sold or just-listed property as a starting point, and begin making those connections.

Draw On The Map Or Drop A Pin

Whether you have an address or a general area you want to prospect, GeoLeads allows you to personalize your search so the results are optimized for your business.

Display Homes Likely To Sell

Utilize Geoleads filters to show only homes that fit your business. Prioritize your leads by filtering out recently sold homes and connect instead with more qualified homeowners.

New Agent Suddenly Gets 5 Listings In 2 Days Prospecting Just Listed/Just Solds

How Edward went from barely scraping by with open houses to becoming a prospecting superstar. After struggling to succeed for three years, he took 12 listings in his first three months using REDX.

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